Spanish Christmas vocabulary
Do you know how Christmas is celebrated in Spain? Here you can find vocabulary related to Christmas in Spanish plus the most important celebrations. Are they different in your country? Tell us in the comments.
Merry Christmas!
La decoración navideña (Christmas decoration)
La guirnalda (The wreath)
El árbol de Navidad (Christmas tree)
La flor de Pascua (The poinsettia)
Las luces (Lights)
Las velas (The candles)
El belén = nacimiento (The nativity scene)
La lotería de Navidad (Christmas lottery)
El día del sorteo (The day of the draw)
El décimo o boleto (The tenth of a share of a ticket)
El gordo = primer premio (The big prize of the lottery in Spain)
El día del sorteo (The day of the draw) (Date: 22nd December)
Nochebuena (Christmas’ Eve) (Date: 24th December)
El turrón (The nougat)
La cena de Nochebuena (Christmas Eve dinner)
Papá Noel (Santa Claus)
Día de los inocentes (Day of the Innocents) (Date: 28th December)
Gastar bromas (play tricks or jokes)
Inocente (Innocent)
Gastar bromas (Spend jokes)
Nochevieja y Año Nuevo (New Year’s Eve and New Year Day
(Dates: 30th December and 1st January)
Los fuegos artificiales (Fireworks)
Las campanadas (The chimes)
Las doce uvas (The twelve grapes)
El cotillón (The cotillion or French country dance, also the accesories you put on to celebrate)
El brindis (The toast)
La noche y el día de Reyes (The night and the day of Kings) (Dates: 5th and 6th January)
Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar (The Three Wise Men)
El roscón de reyes (a Spanish and Spanish American king’s cake pastry traditionally eaten to celebrate the day of the Wise Men)
El carbón (Charcoal / given by the Kings to children who does not behave)
La cabalgata (The cavalcade or parade of the Three Wise Men)
La carta de los Reyes Magos (The letter for Three Wise Men to ask for presents)
Los regalos (Gifts)
We hope that you now know a little bit more about Christmas in Spain and its essential vocabulary. We also wish you a Merry Christmas and hope that all your wishes are fulfilled in 2018.