The Spanish is a language with very rich expressions. These are some of the Spanish expressions with animals’ names.
This is a very fun topic for students who learn Spanish at an advanced level.
Which is your favourite?
Cuando recibes un regalo, debes estar agradecido aunque no te guste mucho.
In English: When receiving a gift, we should be grateful even though you don’t like it very much.
A similar expression in English is: “Never look a gift horse in the mouth”.
Ser bonito o ser guapo.
In English: To be cute
Es mejor tener algo seguro, que no muchas cosas pero ninguna de ellas con seguridad.
In English: It’s better to have few things but that those are yours and have them safe, than having a lot of good things in the world, but none of them belong to you.
A similar expression in English is “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”
Es una persona que es bastante sucia o muy desordenada. Persona que es despreciable por alguno de sus actos hacia mujeres.
In English: It is a person who is quite dirty or very messy. Person who is contemptible for any of his acts towards women.
Decimos que alguien “tiene un humor de perros” cuando una persona está de mal humor.
In English: This expression is used to describe someone who is in a terrible mood.
Una persona es una oveja negra cuando es diferente a su familia o a un grupo. Muchas veces se dice de un miembro de la familia considerado problemático o que no se adapta al resto.
In English: The black sheep” It is a way of referring to a person with a personality apparently different from the rest of your family or group. It is usually associated with the member of the family considered problematic or maladjusted.
Dicho de una persona que tiene poca memoria.
In English: A person with bad memory, who does not remember much.
Significa afrontar un problema (ser valiente y hacer frente a los obstáculos).
In English: It means facing the problem (being brave and facing obstacles even if you don´t want to).
Estar loco o hacer locuras.
In English : “To be crazy” “To be nuts”.
Se dice de una persona que tiene miedo, es un cobarde o no tiene coraje. Es una expresión negativa, normalmente se dice para burlarse de alguien.
In English : We use it to say that a person is afraid, he is a coward, he has no value; it is a negative expression, usually a criticism or a mockery.
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