TLCdénia is an Instituto Cervantes authorised centre, the only international accreditation available for schools teaching Spanish as a foreign language.
The Instituto Cervantes only grants this authorisation after having completed a thorough inspection of both the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language practices and of the other services provided by the school in question.
Only authorised centres can use this logo.
TLCdénia is an Instituto Cervantes accredited centre. These are the requirements:
- To comply with the quality requirements for teaching Spanish
- To comply with the legal requirements for carrying out teaching
- To provide adequate teaching resources
- To have a team of appropriately trained and qualified teachers
- To have a lesson plan that ensures an adequate learning progress
- To set a maximum number of students per class
- To correctly advertise the courses on offer
- To clearly detail the prices of courses and extra services
- To address complaints and claims
Requirements for SICTED Centres
SICTED assesses the following areas within tourist related companies:
- People: coordination, training, qualifications and working practices of the staff teams within the tourist company/service.
- Customers: measuring customer satisfaction, dealing with possible complaints and suggestions, etc.
- Sales: marketing of products and/or services offered by the company and/or tourist service.
- External services: supply, raw materials, treatment of suppliers…
- Facilities and equipment: physical structure of the company, preventive maintenance plans, cleaning, etc.
- Trade: language teaching, quality of the service provided, accuracy of the information provided to the client, administrative procedures, etc.

TLCdénia has the distinction of being an ‘Escuela ELE Socialmente Responsable‘: FEDELE’s (Federation of Spanish Schools for Foreigners). This is a seal of quality with the aim of having schools that care for the environment, that promote values and human rights and that encourage safety and socially responsible schools.
Respect for family life:
Flexibility in work and work-life balance is a fundamental principle and is encouraged as far as the activity allows.
Care for the environment:
The impact of environmental change is inevitable, but we must contribute to minimising the consequences by reducing the use of resources, recycling, digitalisation and promoting the use of bicycles and public transport.
Corporate and social responsibility:
Commitment to respecting people and their fundamental rights, following national and international regulations.
Occupational risk prevention:
Occupational health and safety must be at the forefront of measures to achieve a suitable working environment.
Our school is recognized as a “ Bildungsurlaub ” by several German federal counties
In accordance with the 1976 federal government regulation, a employee has the right to further education. However, please check with the particular federal county in question as other regulations may apply.
Each federal county authority must recognize the language course in question, but in some cases if only one federal county authority recognizes the course, employers in other federal counties also recognize it. Please check with the company in question. After having worked 6 month in a company, all employees have to right to a “Bildungsurlaub”.
A “Bildungsurlaub” is usually 5 days per year or 10 days after 2 years. The latter is recommended for language courses.
Check all our study Spanish abroad articles!

Our school is accredited by the Swedish CSN organisation and Swedish students can apply for scholarships to study at TLCdénia.
Associations & Collaborations

Examination Centre

Grants and awards

Turisme Comunitat Valenciana Site
TLC Dénia Formació S.L. has been beneficiary of the aids to boost tourism competitiveness for the year 2024, for which it has executed the "PROJECT FOR THE PROMOTION AND DESEASONALISATION OF LANGUAGE TOURISM IN THE MARINA ALTA.".

Cámara de Comercio
TLC DÉNIA FORMACIÓ SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them and thanks to which it has been able to develop the Web Presence project through its own website. to improve the competitiveness and productivity of the company in 2023. To this end, it has had the support of the 'programa TICs Cámaras de la Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y navegación de Alicante."

Turisme Comunitat Valenciana Site
Portal de Turisme Comunitat Valenciana TLC Dénia Formació S.L. has been beneficiary of the aids to boost tourism competitiveness for the year 2023, for which it has executed the "PROJECT TO IMPROVE THE DIGITALISATION AND PROMOTION OF LANGUAGE TOURISM".

Turisme Comunitat Valenciana Site
TLC Dénia Formació S.L. has been beneficiary of the grants for the year 2022 addressed to companies, associations, federations and foundations, aimed at improving the competitiveness of the tourist services and products of the Valencian Community, specifically to Programme 1 - CREATURISME for which it has executed the "DIGITALISATION AND MARKETING PROJECT OF TLCDÉNIA TO DE-ESTATIONALISE TOURISM AND IMPROVE BUSINESS COMPETITIVENESS".

TLC Dénia Formació S.L. has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them and thanks to which it has developed a digital marketing and online advertising campaign in the second half of 2022, to improve the competitiveness and productivity of the company. This has been supported by the Tourism Competitiveness Programme 2022 of the Alicante Chamber of Commerce. "A way of doing Europe".