Business Spanish: How to Negotiate in Spanish
- Date 17 April, 2018
When you manage to negotiate in Spanish, is when you really have a good level of Spanish or any other language. Maybe you have to do a negotiation in Spanish for your work or even negotiate some personal matter.
Before starting the negotiation in Spanish there are two points to keep in mind:
– Know what you want. You must be very clear about what you want and be sure of your ideas and arguments. – Know what our interlocutor wants. Get to know your interlocutor and his wishes well. In this way you can anticipate their arguments to be able to defend against them.Part one: Presentation of arguments
The presentation of arguments must be logically ordered. Be confident with your ideas to show confidence to the interlocutor.It is necessary to communicate a simple and clear message, to avoid getting lost in the conversation. The most important thing in the negotiation is the climate of trust, because it is the essential condition for a successful negotiation. This context will favour the solution and decision making.
To start, you must present the negotiation topic. You can use these openers:El tema trata de… The subject is.. El tema que tenemos que tratar es… The issue in question is … La cuestión que tenemos que tratar es… The topic we have to address is …
To present your opinion in Spanish:
Yo pienso… I think… Yo creo que… I believe that… Para mí… For me… En mi opinión… In my opinion A mi juicio… In my judgement Desde mi punto de vista… From my point of view … Personalmente… Personally… A mí me parece que… It seems to me that…Add more points: Además… Furthermore.. Por otro lado… On the other hand… Por otra parte… On the other hand… Incluso… Including / even
Making reference to previous topics or opinions:
Respecto a… About/ Respecting En cuanto a… As far as… Por lo que se refiere a… With regards to..
Asking for an agreement ¿No cree que…? Don’t you think that…? ¿No le parece que… ? Doesn’t it seem to you…?
Second part: Listen and show agreement or disagreement
Ask the opinion of the interlocutor, listen carefully to discuss their arguments.
Ask for an opinion in Spanish: ¿Qué piensas/crees/opinas de…? What do you think? ¿Qué te parece a ti? How does it seem to you? ¿Cuál es tu punto de vista? What’s your point of view? Y tú, ¿Cómo lo ves? And you? How do you see it?
Having listened to them you can continue the negotiacion with the remainder of your points:
Asking for your turn to speak: Perdón. Excuse me. Espera un momento. Wait a moment Perdona que te corte/te interrumpa…. Sorry to interrupt… Yo quería decir una cosa… I wanted to say one things.. Déjame decir algo… Let me say something.. Déjame terminar. Let me finish….
Ask for clarification: Dicho de otro modo… In other words.. Eso quiere decir que… That means… Por lo tanto… Thus.. ¿A qué se refiere con eso? What do you mean by that? ¿Qué quiere decir eso? What does that mean? Eso lo que quiere decir es… What you want to say is… No estoy de acuerdo. I disagree No estoy seguro de que… I’m not sure about that…
Show agreement: Estoy de acuerdo contigo/con lo que dices. I agree with you/what you are saying Comparto tu opinión/tu punto de vista. I share your opinión/point of view Tienes razón. You’re right. Pienso lo mismo que tú. I think the same as you. Estoy a favor de… I’m in favor of… A mí también/ Tampoco me parece que… Me too/Nor does it seem to me that.. Si, es verdad que… Yes, it’s true that.. Yo también lo creo.. I also believe that…
Show disagreement: No estoy (nada) de acuerdo contigo. I don’t agree with you at all. No comparto tu opinión/ tu punto de vista. I don’t share your opinión/point of view No tienes razón, no pienso lo mismo que tú. You’re wrong, I don’t think the same as you. Pues yo no lo veo así. I don’t see it like that. Estoy en contra de… I’m against. Estás equivocado. You’re wrong No creo que sea cierto. I don’t think that’s true. De ninguna manera. No way.
To dispute the other’s point: Sí, aunque…Yes, although Puede ser, pero… It could be but.. Sí, pero la verdad es que… Yes, but the truth is.. Tal vez, pero… Maybe, but….
Summarize the points: A fin de cuentas, After all.. En realidad… Actually…. Al fin y al cabo…In the end… La verdad es que… The truth is… En cierto modo…In a way…
Part Three: Reaching a conclusion
It is time to come to a conclusion. To finish the negotiation we must have understood the interests and problems of each person, listen to and summarize the points defended by the other person, analyze your arguments and analyze the objections that you have made.
Then, you have to find common interests and come up with a solution.
To reach a conclusion you can use this expressions in Spanish: En conclusión… In conclusion… En resumen… In summary… En pocas palabras… In a nutshell Y por eso… And so…. Para resumir… To sum up… En definitiva… Definitively… Para concluir… To conclude…
We wish you luck with your negotiation in Spanish. If you need help, you can attend our Spanish courses in Denia . If you can not come to Denia, we also offer online Spanish classes or Spanish online business classes.
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